About us

Gau Ganga Gauri mission will reduce drudgery, lessen migration, make the villages
self-sustaining, and prepare community to combat climate change.

There’s an alarming reduction in viable livelihood options for hill communities. Primitive agriculture (supplemented by animal husbandry) being practiced on fragmented landholdings, remains the economic mainstay of hill communities, which is agonized by shrinking landholding, declining soil fertility; no or poor irrigation; reduced access to forest resources; lack of access to markets; high input costs and low selling prices; and changed climatic patterns. Unable to make a living from their over-strained assets/resources, the people in the hills, for survival, are increasingly dependent on the Public Distribution System.
Concurrently, money-order economy had developed, with able-bodied men moving to the cities for work, but with post-covid increased living costs, even that is failing, resulting in social disruption and putting heavy burden on the women & children and the aged, left in the villages. Further, climate change has set in. It is being experienced through changed rainfall pattern, increased frequency of natural calamities, etc. The change will affect & alter all aspects of ecology, human life & living. The need is to resilient the community to address current issues, fill knowledge gaps, identify the uncertainties, and accordingly combat the change.
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We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.

Gau Ganga Gauri

Major Objectives

Enable community to ensure Gau seva, setup gaushalas for stray cattle, conserve water & environment, and empower women.

Establish educational institutions to promote education and medical care institutions to provide health care.

Enable poor and marginalised people to secure livelihoods and assert their rights.

Encourage preservation of indigenous culture, and promote art, craft & handicrafts.

Facilitate addition/creation of adequate infrastructure and enabling environment.

Document & disseminate relevant information through various forms of media.

Women's Empowerment

Aware, Skill and Engage women.

Broaden the range of choices & enable them to participate in decision making.

Ease women’s work by encouraging the use of technology/ alternate energy, augmenting income options.

Revitalize and Organise into SHGs, and Federate.

Strengthen Livelihoods

Promote rearing of ‘Badri’ (indigenous breed) cow.

Identify and/or Create multiple income sources.

Revive agriculture/ animal husbandry/ horticulture/apiculture and encourage cottage industries, etc.

Maximize benefits, facilitate logistics, and provide quality inputs and marketing of the produce.

Converse Ecosystem

Rejuvenate traditional water sources i.e., Springs Dhara/ Naula, etc.

Revive Pastures cum grazing lands.

Restore landscape by checking soil erosion and planting trees of indigenous species of use to the local populace.

Conserve soil, water, and vegetation, adopting micro-watershed planning approach.

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